
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

ABAP/4 functions:

  • Popup_to_confirm_loss_of_data
    Create a dialog box in which you make a question whether the user wishes to perform a processing step with loss of data.
  • Popup_to_confirm_step
    Create a dialog box in which you make a question whether the user wishes to perform the step.
  • Popup_to_confirm_with_message
    Create a dialog box in which you inform the user about a specific decision point during an action.
  • Popup_to_confirm_with_value
    Create a dialog box in which you make a question whether the user wishes to perform a processing step with a particular object.
  • Popup_to_decide
    Create a dialog box in which you require the user between the two processing alternatives, or to cancel the action.
  • Popup_to_decide_with_message
    Create a dialog box in which you inform the user about a specific decision point via a diagnosis text.
  • Popup_to_display_text
    Create a dialog box in which you display a two-line message.
  • Rfc_system_info
    Fetch information from the current instance filling the structure FRCSI.
  • Rs_send_mail_for_spoollist
    Send messages from ABAP/4 programs to SAPoffice. The structure SOLI may contain the message.

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